Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Monarch

I would normally title this post something like "Changes." However, both David Bowe and Tupac  may have something to say about that.

I feel that every time I write a post, it is about all the changes in my life. I think I am a regular chameleon when it comes to apartments, computers, and cable companies.

I am completely aware that I sound like a Frosted FLAKE, but I promise my moves have been ones of both necessity and opportunity.

Yet again, I am undergoing a metamorphosis. I have learned that under the right circumstances, change can be a stimulus for growth.

I have a new job (or more likely career-fingers crossed), and despite the anxiety that comes with a learning curve, I am excited for the opportunity for a new professional experience.

It has been 3 years since I was a practicing attorney at a law firm. Likewise, it has been 3 years since I have been in a corporate environment. I have been working at a CrossFit box, so the trade from Reeboks to heels has been one of unforgettable foot stamina.

I have blisters to prove.

Really. Heel savers do not help.

Enough about me, what are you up to, friends?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

30 years, 16 days late

And just like that, as of Feb. 4th at 10:18 AM, I was on this earth for 30 years!  I am not one of those people who freaks out about turning a year older, but (abundantly aware that anyone over 30 is rolling her eyes as I type this) I cannot believe I am thirty.

The sound of it- it seems so established. I am so under construction.

I know 30 is not old, but try and explain that to your Pop Pop as he marvels that he is actually old enough to have a 30-yr-old grandchild. I am pretty sure he still sees me in diapers.

The best part is that my 30th birthday celebration consisted of Bananagrams and bowling. Just 5 years ago, I was a crazy lady on a stage, singing into a fake microphone. This year, I spent the evening with family. They did a pretty solid job of making me feel like a princess.

at work:

at T&G's:

Although most of my friends now live out of state, I felt the love across the miles. Jenna, Kimmy, Megan, Kim, Stephanie, and Jackie surprised me with a beautiful ring.

Please don't judge my poor lighting/Samsung Galaxy photog skills.

The olive branch symbolizes peace and abundance. So on point. I just absolutely LOVE it.

I would say that I am noticing new wrinkles on my hands as I type this blog post, but that would be in the spirit of dramatics. I think 30 is going to be a great thing. And to be honest, I am going to choose to embrace it because accepted or not, my birth certificate remains the same.

 What would you do for a milestone birthday?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

READ: You must read

You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend. ~Paul Sweeney

It has been a solid year, and that is generous, since I have found an I-don't-care-how-late-it-is-because-I-need-to-finish-this-chapter type of book. Folks, this book was worth the wait.

~amateur excited Austin airport read phone photography~

I wouldn't say I am an avid Dateline watcher, but my eyes were glued to the television during Amanda Lindhout's story, aired Sept. 6, 2013.

Find it here.

As a freelance journalist, Amanda was kidnapped and held for ransom in Mogadishu for 15 months.  The details of her captivity are artfully described in her memoir, A House in the Sky.

The book is certainly a page-turner, but even more than the story surrounding her hellish experience in Somali, I think we can all learn something from her he faith, focus, and forgiveness.  When questioned about her perseverance during the brutal days as a hostage, she reflects on how she found her safe place in her mind- her own house in the sky.

She also looks like Kate Middleton's taller, Canadian twin. There. I said it. 

Do yourself a favor, and read her book. Then, do yourself an extra special favor, and read about her foundation. They are equally amazing!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

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